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Welcome in the Circular Section of M.P. Rural Road Development Authority 

Date Circular No. From To



Encl: Enclosure

C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM (All)  -
29/03/2006 1505/22/V12/RRDA/2006 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM (All)  Benchmark Road Photographs of  Block & District under PMGSY
3/03/2006 2252/Account/22/V12/RRDA/06 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All)  Regarding payment against LOC.
13/03/2006 2250/Account/22/V12/RRDA/06 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All)  Regarding payment of works

Encl: Format 1, 2 & 3

C.G.M. II MPRRDA GM, PIU (All)  Information of  Hon' Chief Minister meeting of Member of Parliament.
3/03/2006 2001/Account/22/V12/RRDA/06 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All)  Issue the credit limit for construction work
16/02/2006 717/22/V12/RRDA/2006 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM (All)  Work Progress & Contract Management

DO. No. 715/CEO/MPRRDA/06
Encl: Enclosure

C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM (All)  -
08/02/2006 11812/22/V12/RRDA/2006 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM (All)  Payment of wages to the labourer engaged by contractor on the rate notified by labour commissioner for other than agriculturer labour.   
07/02/2006 1072//V12/RRDA/2006 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All)  Delay in submission of time extension cases to headquarters.
 State Schedule of Rates for Roads, Cross Drainage Works & Maintenance of  Road 
(Effective from 26-January-2006)
Click here for: (1) Letter No.717 /Gr-I/22/D-12/MPRRDA/2006, Bhopal, Dated 25/01/2006
State  Schedule of Rates of MPRRDA
16/01/2006 327/V12/RRDA/2006
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM (All) Revised Financial Targets for PIUs

NIT for preparation of DPR NIT 10283 Dated 16.12.05.
Minutes of Prebid Meeting Dated 28.12.05.

21/12/2005 10406//22/V12/RRDA/05 
Encl: Format
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM (All)  Preparation of  DPR under Bharat Nirman
15/12/2005 10235/Tech/22/V12/RRDA/05 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM (All)  Regarding inspection report of the NQMs.
14/12/2005 10212/22/V12/RRDA/05  C.G.M. MPRRDA

    GM, PIU (All)     

Regarding Correction in CUPL. 
14/12/2005 10207/Tech/V12/RRDA/05  C.G.M. MPRRDA

CGM (All),      GM, PIU (All)     & AM (All)

Regarding Cement Concrete in Forest Area. 
07/12/2005 10050/Accounts/D12/RRDA/05 
Encl: Expenditure Format
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All)  Regarding Monthly Expenditure Format
07/12/2005 10043/G3/V12/RRDA/2005 
Encl: DPR Preparation Proforma
C. G. M. II MPRRDA GM, PIU (All)  Preparation of  DPR under PMGSY
01/12/2005 8930/V12/22//MPRRDA/2005 
Encl: format for progress
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All)  Format regarding progress.
26/11/2005 8788/Tech/22/V12/RRDA/05 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM (All)  Use of Concrete in  Construction of Cross- Drainage Work
23/11/05 8616/Tech/22/V12/RRDA/05 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All), CGM (All) & Team Leader (All) Initial Preparation & Setting- Out of Construction Work

Click here for: Format for  Statement of Expenditure for Reimbursement Claim of ADB

31/10/2005 8037/22/D-12/MPRRDA/05 C.G.M. GM, PIU (All) & CGM III, IV Amendments in the tender document PMGSY – 2005.
31/10/2005 8036/22/D-12/MPRRDA/05 C.G.M. GM, PIU (All) & CGM III, IV Amendments No. 2 in the bidding document under ADB Ln:2018 – July' 2005".
24/10/2005 7723/22/D-12/MPRRDA/04  C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM III, IV Amendments No. 4 in the tender document  PMGSY works - 2005
20/10/2005 7634/22/V12/RRDA/05 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) Height of Embankment in construction of roads
17/10/2005 7509/22/V12/MPRRDA/05 
Encl: format for CGMs
C.E.O. MPRRDA CGMs (All)  CGMs Meeting
14/10/2005 7458/ACCOUNTS/22/V12/RRDA C.E.O. MPRRDA Supervision Consultant(All) /GMPIU (All) Monthly Report of Contractor Payment
14/10/2005 7454/MPRRDA/2005 
Encl: format
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) Maintenance Repot
14/10/2005 7416/22/D12/RRDA/2005 
Encl: Format
C.E.O. MPRRDA GMPIU (All) / CGM I.II. III, IV/ GMT I,II,III  Regarding Work of Phase V and ADB Batch II under PMGSY

DO. No. 2939/CEO/MPRRDA/05 
Encl: Annexure-A

06/10/2005 7254/22/V12/RRDA/G-1/2005 
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) & CGM III, IV To Complete the work of Phase III & IV under PMGSY
23/09/2005 6889/22/V12/RRDA/2005 
Encl: 6 formats
C.G.M. I GM, PIU (21) & CGM II, III, IV To organise the weekly meeting of P.I.C.
21/09/2005 6797/22/D12/MPRRDA/2005 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) Amendment No. 4 in the tender documents for "construction and maintenance of roads under PMGSY 2005".
16/09/2005 6513/V12/RRDA/2005 
Encl: One
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (21) Target of Vth Phase for the month of September 05 under PMGSY.

Click here for: Format for PIUs regarding  Gokul Gram 

01/09/2005 6064/Tech/22/V12/RRDA/2005 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) Preparation for start the work of Vth Phase and ADB Phase I -PartII
30/08/2005 5990/22/V12/RRDA/2005 
Encl: 18 Formats
C.G.M. II GM, PIU (All) To  Send the Monthly Progress Report of  PMGSY

C.E.O. MPRRDA  GM, PIU (All) Execution of Work in Rainy Season
23/08/2005 5723/22/V12/RRDA-3/Estb./2005 
C.E.O. MPRRDA Training for GMs/AOs of Disbursement, Reimbursement of Claims and Audit for the world Bank/ADB Projects under PMGSY
22/08/2005 5690/22/V12/RRDA./2005
Encl:  Format
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) Performance Appraisal of Contractor's Team
16/08/2005 5559/22/V12/RRDA-3/Estt./2005
Encl:  (ONE)
C.E.O. MPRRDA STA Bhopal  & Related GMPIU  Training of Engineers under PMGSY
16/08/2005 5523/22/V12/RRDA/G-1/2005 
C.E.O. MPRRDA CGM III/IV and GM, PIU (All) Regarding ADB Works

Click here for: Consultant's Format

12/08/2005 5512/22/V12/RRDA-3/Estb./2005 
Encl: ONE
C.E.O. MPRRDA Training for GMs/AOs of Disbursement, Reimbursement of Claims and Audit for the world Bank/ADB Projects under PMGSY
11/08/2005 5483/Tech/22/V12/RRDA/2005 
Encl: format (1)
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) Send the List of DPR of VIth Phase
11/08/2005 5484/G4/22/V12/RRDA/05 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) Authorised representative shall be present on the worksite.
10/08/2005 5410/Tech/22/V12/RRDA/2005 
Encl: Formats (3)
C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) Formats for Physical Targets 

DO. No. 1840/CEO/MPRRDA/05

05/08/2005 5297/V12/MPRRDA/2005 C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All) Review Meeting at Divisional Level

Cir. No. 1864/22/V-12/RRDA/05


DO. No. 5213/CEO/MPRRDA/05


DO.No. 1850/CEO/MPRRDA/05

C.E.O. MPRRDA GM, PIU (All)  -   



Tender document for construction and maintenance of PMGSY roads – 2005.

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Although all care has been taken to ensure authenticity of data, yet this Authority is not liable for any decisions taken on the basis of this information