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List of consultants debarred for participating in MPRRDA tenders
Last update on 24.05.2024
S/No. Name of Debarred Consultants
1 M/s Quest International Consultants, Faridabad.
2 M/s S. Chatterjee Associates Consultants Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3 M/s Design Consultant, New Delhi.
4 M/s Haq Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur.
5 M/s MegoTech Engineering (Consultant) Pvt Ltd, Balaghat
6 M/s L. K. T. Engineering Consultant, New Delhi
7 M/s Kashec Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
8 M/s Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, MH
Following Personnel of the Consultants are debarred for MPRRDA Works
S/No. Name of Person Designation Debarred Date
1 Shri Miland Pazare (M/s SimTech Consultant Pvt Ltd, Bhopal) TL 13.08.2014 (for 2 Year)
2 Shri Gafoor Ahmad Shah (M/s SimTech Consultant Pvt Ltd, Bhopal) ARE 13.08.2014 (for 2 Year)
3 Shri Manish Saoner (M/s SimTech Consultant Pvt Ltd, Bhopal) AME 13.08.2014 (for 2 Year)
4 Shri Ganesh Prasad (M/s Mahamaya Consultant, Ambikapur, CG) TL 15.09.2014 (for 1 Year)
5 Shri Ganesh Prasad Divedi  (M/s Anushka Consultant, Gwalior, MP) TL 23.03.2015 (for 1 Year)
6 Shri Indrabhan Singh (Infrastructure Development Consultants, Bhopal) ARE 17.03.2016 (for 1 Year)
7 Shri D K Shrivastav (Apron Test labs & Consultants Pvt Ltd.) TL 04.12.2018 (for 2 Year)
8 Shri Pramod Shrivastav (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) TL 12.01.2022
9 Shri Kishore Das Gupta (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) ARE 12.01.2022
10 Shri Ramgopal Katare (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) ARE 12.01.2022
11 Shri Anurag Shriwas (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) AME 12.01.2022
12 Shri Praveen Khilwadi (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) AME 12.01.2022
13 Shri Rupraj Agrawal (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) AME 12.01.2022
14 Shri Arwind Pawar (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) FE 12.01.2022
15 Shri Atul Kanojia (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) FE 12.01.2022
16 Shri Kamlesh Vishwakarma (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) FE 12.01.2022
17 Shri Ranjeet Singh (M/s Nayak Syndicate, Bhopal, MP) FE 12.01.2022
18 Shri Devesh Trivedi (M/s Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, MH) TL 11.03.2022
19 Shri Shakeel Khan (M/s Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, MH) ARE 11.03.2022
20 Shri ankit Chobe (M/s Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, MH) ARE 11.03.2022
21 Shri Arun Waskale (M/s Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, MH) ARE 11.03.2022
22 Shri A P Singh (Lexus Infratech L L P Supervision Consultancy, Bhopal, MP)   TL 02.02.2024 (for 1 Year)
23 Shri Neelesh Kalmedi (Lexus Infratech L L P Supervision Consultancy, Bhopal, MP)   ARE 02.02.2024 (for 1 Year)
24 Shri RajKumar Gupta (Lexus Infratech L L P Supervision Consultancy, Bhopal, MP)   ARE 02.02.2024 (for 1 Year)
25 Shri Shriram (Lexus Infratech L L P Supervision Consultancy, Bhopal, MP)   AME 02.02.2024 (for 1 Year)
26 Shri Sankalp Shrivastav (Lexus Infratech L L P Supervision Consultancy, Bhopal, MP)   AME 02.02.2024 (for 1 Year)
27 Shri Vaibhav Tomar (Lexus Infratech L L P Supervision Consultancy, Bhopal, MP)   FE 02.02.2024 (for 1 Year)
28 Shri Ameer Khan (Lexus Infratech L L P Supervision Consultancy, Bhopal, MP)   FE 02.02.2024 (for 1 Year)
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